Transcranial Pulse Stimulation – new results from Italy
“I too am now convinced that TPS has great potential“
Both in research and science and already in clinical and practical application, Transcranial Pulse Stimulation is increasingly being studied and repeatedly put to the test around the world. In addition to its expansion in South America and Asia, and beginning study activities in the USA, reports are now coming from Italy.
Shock wave expert and physiatrist (the Italian title for neurological rehabilitation) Michele Barazzuol, MD, who has already succeeded as author and co-author of numerous investigations and studies at the University of Padua, has a clear position on Transcranial Pulse Stimulation: “After the first months of using TPS, I too have come to the conclusion that TPS has great potential,” the medical doctor sums up his experiences in its use for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s dementia as well as Parkinson’s disease.
Researchers, nursing staff and relatives agree: TPS significantly improves clinical pictures
All patients with Alzheimer’s dementia who had been treated with a six-part initial series of Transcranial Pulse Stimulation in Padua to date and who had subsequently been followed up for at least two months showed increases in mental and physical activity as well as social participation in everyday life and improved cognitive performance, mostly after the fourth individual session.
Furthermore, the Italians could not detect any side effects or negative after-effects in any case. Instead, all those treated experienced a reduction in depressive symptoms, which are often associated with dementia. Corresponding studies had already taken this factor into account and attested significant results for TPS in reducing depression.
Morbus Parkinson: the subject of numerous studies on TPS.
The fact that Parkinson’s patients can benefit from Transcranial Pulse Stimulation and that this neurodegenerative disease will certainly be one of the future indications for TPS is also confirmed by Dr Barazzuol: “In the course of our first clinical applications, we also included a Parkinson’s case in the scheme. Already in the first TPS session, we recorded the complete disappearance of the tremor in one of the lower extremities, paradoxically where the patient was most affected by the symptomatology. From the 5th session onwards, the patient also showed a significant reduction in facial hypomimia and there was a marked improvement in mimic, non-verbal communication. These improvements continue unchanged 2 months after the last session.”
The initial treatment results in Padua were also confirmed objectively: Both the caring nursing staff and the relatives of the patients treated with TPS agree with the subjective and medical results. “People are enthusiastic, I keep receiving positive messages about the respective situation after the TPS treatments,” reports Dr. Barazzuol and continues: “At the moment we have still treated too few patients to provide further scientifically valid proof, but we will also participate in further research on Transcranial Pulse Stimulation in the future after these pleasing results.“