Alzheimer Science

Discover the Present and Future of Possibilities

Alzheimer Science

News from Alzheimer's Research

Alzheimer's dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases are one of the greatest medical challenges of our time. In this context, the expansive scientific field of brain stimulation occupies a prominent position in the development of new therapies and opens up new perspectives in clinical and practical treatment.

With high dynamics and innovation, neurostimulation techniques are expanding the possibilities of neurological and psychiatric therapy. Physical-technical brain stimulation methods are currently rapidly changing research on molecular and behavioral mechanisms of the brain and could lead to a paradigm shift in medicine in the future.

Alzheimer Science invites you to learn about some of the most significant developments of our time in research and science, as well as to follow the expansion of these pioneering stimulation methods for brain diseases.

1st International TPS Symposium – Open for registration now!

The first international scientific congress on brain stimulation Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) will take place on Friday, October 11 and Saturday, October 12, 2024 at the Alexius/Josef Hospital in Neuss/NRW. The congress offers a unique platform for researchers and medical professionals from all over the world to discuss the latest advances in this dynamic field of research, share experiences and jointly shape the future of TPS in medical science.

The host of the event is Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Sprick, Alexius/Josef Hospital in Neuss, Head of the Research and Development Department, Head of the newly founded Center for Neurostimulation and lecturer at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU), who has been conducting research at the TPS with his team for several years.


Congress program

Over 15 keynote speakers from 15 countries.


The TPS Symposium is accredited as an advanced training event.


Limited number of participants. Please register in good time.

Transcranial Pulse Stimulation

What's new on Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) from research and science? Find out all the news here...

News Overview

Are you looking for the latest news from the world of neurology and related specialties? Read the latest articles here...

Brain Stimulation

Discover one of the most exciting research fields of our time! Methods of brain stimulation or neurostimulation for the therapy of neurodegenerative diseases expand the medical possibilities in neurology and psychiatry

News, Facts, Positions

Always up-to-date on all developments in neuroscience and Transcranial Pulse Stimulation - for advanced medicine in the treatment of Alzheimer's dementia and other neurophysiological disorders.

Alzheimer Science
Alzheimer Science
Discover the Present and Future of Possibilities