Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) - Indication: Depression

TPS Treatment for Depression

TPS Treatment for Depression

Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) – Indication: Depression

Transcranial Pulse Stimulation - TPS treatment for depression - Alzheimer Science
Therapy-resistant depression has also been successfully treated with TPS

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 350 million people worldwide are affected by depression. This is 4.4 percent of the world’s population and represents an increase of 18 percent in the last ten years. For Germany, this means that four million people suffer from depression. Depression, also known as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), is a common mental illness characterized by persistent sadness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities one used to enjoy, and various physical and cognitive symptoms. Depression can have a variety of causes, including genetic, biological, environmental and psychological factors. A chemical imbalance in the brain, particularly in neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepinephrine, is often associated with depression. The treatment of depression has so far mainly included medication (e.g. antidepressants), psychotherapy (such as cognitive behavioral therapy or interpersonal therapy) and lifestyle changes. In severe cases or if other forms of treatment do not work, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or other newer methods such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) are now also being considered. Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) has also proven to be effective and efficient in the treatment of depression, both in practice and in clinical studies (see: TPS pilot study for depression ).

TPS Treatment for depression: Goals and possibilities of TPS therapy

Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) initially showed encouraging results for dementia-associated depression in the context of Alzheimer’s dementia and other forms of dementia treatment, and subsequently in the clinical field also showed particular efficacy in treatment-resistant depression. Increasingly studied in scientific research (see e.g: TPS: High significance in the treatment of depression ), sufferers can now benefit from TPS in clinics and practices in the area of “off-label” therapy. Numerous cases have been documented that describe a significant mood improvement, a reduction in anxiety as well as increased activity and positive life energy.

An overview of other treatment options with Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) can be found here:

Transkranielle Pulsstimulation TPS - Behandlung - Übersicht - Alzheimer Science
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